- Worked on ReactJs side of a web app called NeetoWireframe which helps users create wireframes for there projects
- Worked for, a web app similar to google docs with git like version control. I helped them build Import and Export feature using ReactJs and NodeJS
Agreefy Technologies
LEAD SOFTWARE ENGINEER• Oct 2017 - March 2021
- Build a signage TV management application, worked on both webapp and tv app using ReactJS, Android, Samsung Tizen and LG signage
- Led a team that Built an Android and IOS app for Cisco Innovation and Experience center Dubai
- Built a real time message delivery system for the company based on publish/subscribe method using ZeroMQ and SocketIO
- Worked extensively on top of Google Maps and leaflet to build company required tools and visualize location base data
- Built a url shortening service using Aws lambda and DynamoDb
- Using AWS Kinesis and Lambda built a live visualization and monitoring tool for live events, Hospitals, Malls etc...
- Developed the company website.
- Currently building an IOT based asset tracking tool using beacons and RFID tags
RawData Technologies
FRONT END TEAM LEAD• Aug 2014 - Sep 2017
- Started as an Android developer. Using Dropbox as storage Developed a Photo sharing app and Contact managament app.
- Moved on to become a Web Developer using AngualrJS (1.0), Built a Meeting scheduling app.
- nDash Co : With NodeJs and ExpressJs as Backend, MongoDb as database, AWS S3 as image storage and AngularJs as Front end Framework build a content community web platform for freelance content writers.
- Worked on a team that is building shipping related software tools for Trans Asia Group
- Promoted as Lead Developer and had the responsibilty to recruit and train interns
- WinWinUSA : Lead a team of 2 developers and a QA tester that build a Hybrid Mobile app for Android and IOS using Cordova/Ionic Framework, Liferay as Backend and Stripe as payment gateway, a platform for content and opportunity sharing for small businesses
Spectrum Softech Solutions
- Worked as IOS Trainee. Learned Objective C
- As a final project, without using any game engines or UI rendering library, With game logic written from scratch build a Word game called WordChess with just build-in features available in Android and IOS.